Submit a story for publication:

Real Travel Adventures is a no-business no-pay publication whose mission is to promote travel and tourism as means for cultural exchange and appreciation of different cultures and destinations. We accept submissions from professional and amateur travel writers as long as the stories and photos are original, grammatically correct, and contain no offensive material of any kind. All submitted stories and photos undergo an editorial review and, if approved for publication, appear on our site in a three-month period. We will use every opportunity to publish your story earlier, but three month is our usual term, so please submit well in advance. We reserve the right to edit your submission, including removal of some photos due to poor content or quality, or incompatible size. We are under no obligation to publish anything. Any submission can be rejected for any reason by our editorial staff. Real Travel Adventures does not send its contributors on assignments and no contributor can pose as a Real Travel Adventures representative or promise a publication on our site. We will gladly use your previously published stories to which you hold a copyright. As a Real Travel Adventures contributor you remain the copyright owner of your material, and you are responsible for all copyright issues associated with it. If someone else takes photos for you while you travel, it is your responsibility to give them a photo credit or have their agreement to go without. We accept original travel articles between 500 and 1500 words, accompanied by 6 original photos from 500 and 700 KB. Larger size photos cannot be accommodated. Photos must be numbered 1 through 6 with corresponding numbers placed between the paragraphs of the article where you prefer to see each of your photos in the publication. Each article must start with a title followed by the author’s first and last name, and cover photo (photo #1). Don’t use multiple titles, all caps, or author’s nicknames. Don’t indent the beginning of the paragraph. Send your story in Word and all JPG photos as attachments in one single email. To submit a query, please send email to us.